Early Voting: February 6, 2024

Primary Election Date: March 5, 2024

Election Countdown








David Valadao Hero Image

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California Realtors State Seal

Preserving the 1031 Like-Kind Exchange

Valadao supports helping commercial property owners and small businesses utilize important economic tools, like the 1031 like-kind exchange, to foster economic growth and invest in their communities.

Protecting Families and Small Businesses

Valadao understands that repealing the stepped-up basis and applying capital gains at death could create a massive new administrative burden for many American families, farms, and small businesses. That is why he fought to prevent those tax changes from becoming law.

Streamlining VA Home Loans

Valadao understands the challenges many vets and enlisted military members face when looking to purchase a home in the current market. That’s why he supported legislation that made the VA home loan limit more competitive and enacted common-sense solutions to streamline the program.

Supporting Online Notarization

Valadao understands the importance of making remote online notarization technology available to a vibrant housing market. Valadao voted for the SECURE Act, which would set federal standards to ensure appropriate safety standards and guidelines for this technology. (SECURE ACT/NDAA Amendment)